Some common Maker issues and how we handle them at MFO.
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Boring Exhibit

Issue: No matter how we try to educate Makers, there are inevitably those Makers who will sit in a chair behind their exhibit staring at their phone - and then complaining about lack of audience engagement.

Action: We use the Maker Manual, Maker Orientation and other communication to highlight best practices for Maker Exhibits. The Area Captains or Producers can also highlight best practices to help correct. If corrective measures don’t help, then a note to is appropriate so that we can consider as part of the curation for future years.

Unprepared Maker

Issue: The Maker arrives late, without any help and expects others to help them unload or setup. They don’t have extension cords or other key items. They are struggling, putting extra load on our team and the exhibit is suffering.

Action: We understand that first time Makers may undersestimate the help and supplies needed - but selling Makers and those who have exibited previously should know better. If they are giving appropriate gratitude and taking accountibility, then all should be good - but for those who are not, we can take corrective action.

We use the Maker Manual, Maker Orientation and other communication to ensure they know what they need to bring INCLUDING helpers! The Area Captains or Producers should step in if the Maker is pulling from our volutneer population or being overly needy. If corrective measures don’t help, then a note to is appropriate so that we can consider as part of the curation for future years.

No Show

Issue: The Maker does not show for the event.

Action: If they no-show with no communication, this should be noted by emailing so that we can consider as part of the curation for future years.

Leaves Early

Issue: The Maker does not return on Sunday or leaves early either day with no prior arrangements.

Action: We use multiple communication methods to ensure that Makers know the show hours. If they leave early with no prior arrangements, this should be noted by emailing so that we can consider as part of the curation for future years.

Intellectual Property Issues

Issue: A Maker is reported to be violating the Intellectual Property of others.

Action: We purposely avoid exhibits that are simple repackaging of the intellectual property of others (e.g. vinyl cutting basic logos and characters, lasering non-original artwork to make lit signs, etc.) We have had cases where we were made aware of IP infringement claims within the community. Any IP claims should be escalated to the Producers for resolution, which could lead to the rejection of the exhibit for the current and future years.


Issue: A selling Maker does not pay the seller fee, or that does not register as a seller and then sells at the event.

Action: We’ve been extremely flexible in the past especially with those who communicate with us. For non-payment we will communicate a deadline and then cancel the exibit after that deadline. For those that sell without registering as a seller, email with the information so this can be considered as part of the curation for future years.

Never Satisfied - Placement, Traffic, Sales, etc.

Issue: Some Makers will never be satisfied with their placement, traffic, sales, etc.

Action: We do our best to listen to these complaints in order to understand them so that we can best layout the exhibits, however if a specific Maker is not happy with the community spirit of the event and wants to transactionally complain each year, we will discuss as part of the curation process. Please share all complaints by emailing AND it is also very helpful to know if the Maker was rude / assertive as they complained.


Issue: Harassment at Maker Faire Orlando has not been a problem to our knowledge, however we have had prior harassment situation that have led to a community member telling us they are not comfortable with the harrasser being part of the event.

Action: Any accusations or concerns relating to harassement should be reported to a Producer immediately for resolution.