Communicating with Makers is very important and can happen in a number of forms & channels
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See our page on Recruiting Makers to see communication pertaining to the recruiting process.

Call For Makers

The Call for Makers page contains the communications related to the registration and acceptance process for Makers.


We use Freshdesk as a ticketing system to respond to email. This allows multiple people to work the emails and to track what still needs action.

Maker Manual

See our page on the Maker Manual which is an important tool for communicating info to Makers.

Maker Orientation

Some years we have offered in-person or virtual Maker Orientation sessions to answer questions and help new makers prepare for the event. Ideally we would do these every year in the month before the event, however some years we are drowning in tasks and don’t make it happen.

Maker Orientation Slides from 2019

Maker Emails - Week of the Event

Below is an example communication sent 2 days before the event. This is sent from the gmail account with as the TO: address and all makers as BCC: addresses. Note that this content works in conjuction with the Maker Manual.

Subject: Important Maker Info: Maker Faire Orlando 2021

Maker Faire Orlando (including Robot Ruckus) is only a few days away!!

We know you are finalizing your exhibits and we are already starting to pack & move everything from art supplies to soldering irons to a giant combat robot arena to the Fairgrounds!

Thank you for giving your time and energy to support the maker movement. We aim to entertain, educate, and inspire thousands of people over one weekend at Maker Faire Orlando, and you are a critical part of making that a reality.

For those that don't know us, we are The Maker Effect Foundation, a small 501(c)(3) non-profit in Orlando. The crew you interact with online and at the event are all volunteers, and we appreciate your help and your patience with us as we all work together to make Maker Faire happen. If you need anything at any time before the event, please email us at (and PLEASE specify the exhibit name).  If you are a combat robot competitor and your question is specific to Robot Ruckus, please email

If something has changed, and you can no longer participate please let us know ASAP. "No-shows" for the event will not be accepted in future years. We understand that things happen, but we need your communication if there is an issue. We have makers on the waitlist that would love the space if you aren't going to use it.

Robot Ruckus and VEX competitors - Please check for communication from your competition event organizers with information specific to your event.

Here's a quick checklist to make sure you are ready - and addresses many of the questions you are likely to have:

1) Make sure that you have taken all the needed steps for your exhibit registration (If you've already done this, thank you!)
Each exhibit defaults to the maker plus three "helpers" for 4 total badges. If you need more than 4 badges, please email us ASAP at (We will be unable to make changes after today) with the exhibit name and how many total badges are needed. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE BADGES ARE ONLY FOR THOSE WORKING YOUR EXHIBIT, these are not for family / friends. If you know that you will need less than 4 badges, you are also welcome to send us an email with that info :)

Ensure you have pictures on your maker / exhibit pages (edit using the link in the email you received when you submitted your exhibit) - these pages receive substantial views leading up to the event, and they help us promote your attendance at the event. (Handy tip - you can share your exhibit page on social media and the pictures & description automatically populate? Just pop the url from your exhibit page into Facebook, etc....)

2) Read our online "Maker Manual" for details on exhibit space, tables / chairs, LOAD-IN TIMES, parking and more. Link:  During the event, there will be designated crew for each area that will be there to make sure things are working well for our makers, maker helpers, volunteers, and attendees, and it is very helpful if you've read the linked info to be prepared.  You can also check out the event program with map and schedule at (See below for info on space locations)

3) Stay Safe - Based on the most recent guidance for Orange County, FL, face coverings are recommended for all participants while indoors (does not apply to children under 2).

4) Please join us for the Maker Mixer on Friday the 12th at 6PM during setup - We will have light food for makers and maker helpers who attend the mixer (limited selection, if you have specific dietary needs, please plan ahead) and it is a great time to meet new makers before the crowd hits the event. If all goes well, we also try to have the Make-a-Shirt activity running during this time so you can make a Maker Faire Orlando or Robot Ruckus shirt!

5) We need everyone's help marketing the event, and appreciate it if you post on social media (personal or organization accounts) - check out for social media graphics and more.  Also - Please mark that you are attending the event on facebook - and consider inviting your friends / family to the event using the "invite" feature. This is a great way to help increase our marketing reach. You can also help share the Robot Ruckus event that is part of Maker Faire Orlando -

6) Space Plans: If you'd like to review the current layout draft for the Spirit and Opportunity buildings, use this link: with the password "#mfo2021". We don't create a layout for the Curiosity building and the Outdoor exhibits until we get on-site later this week.

 At this point, we are only moving exhibits if there is a specific issue with that space once we get on-site, or in the event of a last minute cancellation, so this layout should be very close to final. With that said if you see an error on our part, please notify us ASAP so that we can resolve it. You can also see your zone and space number on our website page for your exhibit, and in the Maker Faire Orlando mobile apps. Note that we do not assign space numbers for outdoor exhibits or for content in the Robot Ruckus area. If you have a specific question, email

7) Robot Ruckus VIP Fundraiser: We are hosting a VIP event with over 20 teams from the BattleBots TV show on Saturday night after the first day of Maker Faire Orlando  - we will have food, some BattleBot shenanigans and a silent auction featuring battle-damaged parts from the TV show. Tickets are limited, if you are interested, get your tickets before they are gone at (Please note: Maker / robot competitor admission to Maker Faire Orlando does not include this fundraiser event.)

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you - and your awesome creations VERY soon!