A healthy percent of tickets are sold at the gate, with a big revenue impact
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This is where someone needing a ticket will go first. Paying guests can buy tickets and free attendees can check in and get their wristbands and any special credentials. Veterans, Educators, First Responders, and title 1 students generally attend for free and must be accounted for in Eventbrite. There are special ticket types in the system so we can account for these special guests.

Ticket booths will be open a few minutes before opening time where volunteers can begin selling tickets and distributing wristbands.

The gate captain will advise the appropriate crew member or a producer of the need for cash drops or change. Security and safety are critical so we must minimize the amount of cash on hand at the main gate.

When it goes wrong

  • Equipment from EventBrite can be delivered at the last minute - stay on top of them!
  • In 2016, a cyberattack took down EventBrite and Twitter on the Friday before the event. Not much we can do.
  • In 2018, our website performed poorly which resulted in less ticket sales online, putting higher pressure on the gate.