Video and animated media content serve to promote the event and provide informational content at the event. This content can include event commercials, call for presenters, attendees, volunteers and sponsors. Some content will be distributed by other entities, which will require special considerations. These considerations include, file format, video resolution, aspect ratio, content rating and terms of use. With consideration of these items and others, a successful marketing promotional campaign can leverage media content to increase attendance and attendee satisfaction.
Edit me

Types of Video/media material

Video and media content have differing purposes and file formats. Creating content which can be used in multiple ways and on multiple platforms increases the usefulness of captured content. Additionally, it can lower the amount of editing required and distributed content.


Define a style, message and formats before planning shoots and edits of video/media content.

Creating the above items will allow team members, contractors and bloggers a simple way to share your story and vision with a common look and appeal.

Your style should include:

Logo, fonts, colors, spelling and naming of your event. If key members of your team will be highlighted be sure to provide spelling, titles and key data about these members.

Create an online location for this content, which you can share with entities who will promote your content. Provide them style information and where possible edited "intro, outro and bumper" video content. This will save them time in editing as well as ensure consistency of your message.


Provide logos in jpg and vector format (Adobe Illustrator scalable format). Scalable vectors make it easy for video editors and graphic artists to use your logo. Vector graphics can be made of your logo which when resized retain the full quality of your logo. Consider providing a term of use statement with logos. This is a simple statement example: Video, media and logo content is allowed for approved promotional use. For any other use contact our media/ marketing team.

This is important as some video or fonts may be licensed for specific use.


Define a standard font for use in your content. This can improve readability of the text and create a common look for your brand content. If you have purchased a font, provide your editor a link to where they can license the font or if your license permits, provide the font to them for use on your projects only.


Define colors for your style. This can help shorten the time required to have other entities to create content on your behalf. It also promotes a common look for your brand content.

If video or media is being created with your message team members or persons names, be sure they and your message are identified properly. You can control a lot of your messaging by simply providing it to editors, news outlets, vloggers and bloggers. Simply documenting these items once can save time, confusion and embarrassment.


Background music can enhance your video. Selecting a tone for your video allows editors and creators to create an emotion surrounding the content. It can be a good idea to work with the editor on the tone before the shoot, which will allow the director to define a shooting style which will compliment the footage captured. If the intent is to have fast moving images and quick visuals, the music will complement this look.

Ask the creators to provide licensing information for music used. Music licensed should be allowed for commercial use and allow your expected distribution types. Example: online, television or in theatrical movie release.

Note: Some music licenses do not allow use in other countries or other mediums. Review your music license for details or engage musicians to create exclusive music which you can retain the rights for.

Organizing Bloggers, Vloggers, News and Video and Photography Teams

With a firm understanding of your message and expected look of content created for your event, you can streamline event capture by providing creators key information about your event. This will ensure teams you pay or teams who will cover and promote your event will capture the best content.

Create Content Lists

Provide teams with a curated list of items your want covered at your event. This list should include the event, presenters, attendees, various demographics of people, volunteers, coordinators, signage, sponsors and special guests. Where possible these items can be mixed! Having great content of a special guest in front of good signage, with a sponsor and varying demographics of people is a single piece of content you can use in many places! Of course you will not want all content to be inclusive, but be thoughtful and creative. Create photo opportunities which naturally draw creators.

Content list should include names, locations and times for creators to capture content. Where possible work with your presenters and special guests for the best time to be filmed or photographed. Scheduling when times are quieter for interviews and busier for action video or b-roll.

Staging area

Providing a safe area for content creators is a great way to organize them and provide a home base to meet them during the event. Additionally, Your principal video crew will likely need a safe area to store equipment. This area should be safe but provided with no guaranteed responsibility by the event team.


News and key content creators should have an event escort who has special access to the event. This access may include going in safe non public areas. Escorts allow safe and agreed upon access to the event areas for the creators. Additionally, escorts should have communication access and a support team that can call or quickly move between areas.

Event Communications

If your event is large and using radios (walkie talkies), designate a location producer and production team who will facilitate helping get what they need. This team should know the message as indicated above, understand the key areas of coverage and be personable. This team is not necessarily intended to be on camera, but can help ensure the creators know where to go, people's names and when important events should be covered.

Content Format

Your video team may not be experienced with creating content for professional output. Providing them with your required file format will ensure your content works in most places.

Video Capture and Export Format

This a general guide which can simplify what you need created in most cases.

Request your footage be captured and exported in the format below

Full HD 1920 x 1080, UHD or Full 4K resolution

16x9 video

NTSC 30 frames per second (If you are providing content for countries that require PAL which is 25 fps be sure you content is captured in 24 or 25 fps)

H 264 MP4

Most editors will be able to use the DEFAULT export preset in their software to export to YouTube Full HD. This file format can be used on all platforms EASILY. When using the format on Instagram, be sure to set Instagram to landscape upload. If you insist on using the Instagram square or mobile sizes, be sure your content is captured, edited and exported in square (1x1) or other specific format Instagram uses.

Where possible ask for ALL shot FOOTAGE and the editors video project file. This will allow content to be easily modified in the future. Example: Adobe Premiere project file and associated components. Final Cut project file and components.

Content length

In many cases, shorter is better when it comes to video content. The final export of content length should be long enough to share your message without being overbearing.

Here are some time lengths and possible use cases to consider

10 seconds online mini ad

15 seconds medium length online mini ad

30 seconds full length online or TV ad

45 seconds Extended online ad, TV news, event promotional video (b-roll)

60 seconds TV news, event promotional video (b-roll)

90 seconds Combined event, Team and Behind the Scenes video

The above are examples, however, remember every second, visual and sound must have a purpose. Any "extras" can distract from your message. Present your content in a captivating way with enough time for your audience to absorb it.

Things to avoid

Vertical video Video filmed with phones where the video is tall and narrow, limits its use to online and viewed on a mobile device. If you are targeting this format, be sure to capture this content separately of the standard 16x9 format

24p or 24 fps

unless the content will be used in film, DVD or medium which displays 24 frames per second properly)

Tips If you have indie creators who will be creating content for you from their cell phone or other smaller device. Ask if they have the capability to shoot in 4K. 4K video shot on a cell phone looks very good when resized smaller to Full HD.

Where possible, ask your videographers to use lavalier or shotgun microphones to capture good audio.

Place content you expect to be filmed in well lit areas. If the content is expected to have audio you would like to capture, try to create a quiet zone to limit other competing or distracting sounds.



Video and media content used online have differing purposes and formats. Creating content which can be used in multiple ways and on multiple platforms increases the usefulness of captured content.

Where possible, ensure links are provided in the description of video or media content. If you are posting other creators' content, be sure to include their contact information as well as links and a public thank you.

#### Television

Provide this guidance to your editor

Ensure audio does not clip

Ensure audio only peaks to -8db

Ensure titles and graphics are NTSC color safe

Suggested commercial edit when provided to television station.

3 seconds of black with no audio

8 seconds Title Card with Event name, title and contact information for person responsible for video from your team (this should be someone from your organization)

Video of commercial

3 seconds of black with no audio


Note: Some television stations may require the video only. If video only is requested include 3 seconds of black with no audio before and after the commercial

#### Radio

Radio is a special medium. Include sounds and voices at well controlled levels to create a compelling experience. Ensure commercials which are audio only adequately convey your message.

Provide this guidance to your editor

Ensure audio does not clip

Ensure audio only peaks to -8db

Television Background Video (B-roll)

Some news or media promotions teams may request B-roll.

B-roll is footage you provide of your event or as promotion for your event which the editor will use in the background. B-roll may also be used as part of a video edit they will create. Be sure you provide content which you are comfortable with them editing to their taste. B-roll footage should not have text or title cards. B-roll is simply video.

B-roll typically does not have background audio. If specifics are not provided regarding audio, provide B-roll with only tasteful background audio or audio which enhances the video. When providing b-roll with audio be sure to provide TWO edits. One edit with audio and one edit without audio.

Suggested b-roll edit when provided to television station.

3 seconds of black with no audio

8 seconds Title Card with Event name, title and contact information for person responsible for video from your team (this should be someone from your organization)

B-roll video

3 seconds of black with no audio


Note: Some television stations may require the video only. If video only is requested include 3 seconds of black with no audio before and after b-roll footage


Be sure to have a good photographer available for your event. Good photographs can be used online, in print and in videos. Take the time to review their work and understand their abilities. A good photographer will have several cameras and lenses to cover an event. The cost or quantity of equipment isn't as important as their ability and product they can produce.

Hiring one great photographer and inviting good photographers as volunteers can go a long way to promoting your event.

Consider a shared content agreement with photography volunteers. This will allow them to add images they capture to their portfolio.
