Everything you wanted to know about running the gate at Maker Faire Orlando
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Why the Gate is So Important

The first area everyone encounters at any event is the main gate or entry. When you are assigning area captains, keep in mind that the main gate is a critical area that needs overlapping captains. The person in charge of the main gate makes sure everything is flowing smoothly and helps diffuse any situations that may arise. This person is empowered to solve problems to help makers, volunteers, and guests and will escalate to a producer if needed.

The gate is the main entry to the venue, but it is also the main source of information for all makers, volunteers, and guests. Gate volunteers must have current information so they can answer commonly asked questions like event maps, schedules of performances/talks, hours, first aid, or security.

Gate Functions


Other Stakeholders

Gate Crew Roles

Gate Volunteer Roles

  • Credentials
  • EMS
  • Information Booth